Sunday, June 28, 2009

dReAm dAtE!!!

Waking up early in the morning and getting ready is not some thing which I always love to do, Specially when you are dreaming of beautiful girls and stuff, the option of waking up is just not there...One lucky night I had one of those dreams. Courtesy to that dream, my daily routine of getting up just got extended by 2 hours without my knowledge. I was feeling so fresh after getting up. But that feeling of freshness soon got converted into feeling of urgency when I looked at the clock. It was around 10.30. I realized I had already missed the morning meeting. I called up boss in fear and told him I had fever. Unexpectedly he told me to take care of myself and advised to stay back. Though it was a good option but I had to go to the office for some mails and all. I got ready in an hour and was locking the main door. It was then when my eyes caught something unbelievable. Two children, boy and a girl not more than 10, the girl standing with her back against the wall and the guy covering her. From where I was looking, I could see the guy’s back. I was wondering at 12 o' clock in the afternoon, with black clouds covering the sky and no one around, what on earth were they up to. Looking at their age I tried to perceive something normal . But soon I realized that seeing the dark black clouds trying to mingle with the sky, the guy must have been motivated. I had witnessed one of the craziest things one could ever imagine. MAN!! The show was on....They were soooo passionate.... Even the air could not have passed through them....The two little champions....I was like - Do they need to grow up?...HELL NO!! They are the born "grown ups"...As I finished locking the door the girl’s eyes caught me. I tried ignoring somehow but the damage was done. The guy ran away. The girl slowly moved in another direction as if nothing happened. Both must have been cursing me specially the boy. His dream date was over and I was the one to blame for. I never saw them thereafter and after witnessing their premature guts I do not deny the probability of both being running away from home since then . It was time for me to walk to my office. On the way I was trying my best to ignore GOD who seemed to be laughing at me for some unknown reasons…....


Benny said...
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Benny said...

Hey dude...wel written..I liked it..N I'm pretty sure guys in this generation need not grow up..they r born matured:P

Nethra said...

It's damn funny...
10 years and dating, huh??? I didn't know the meaning of dating when i was 10 :P

Neha More said...

Truly an amazing experience....wrapped up in messemerising words....

Amit R. Purswani said...

i feel like "truth is stranger than fiction", even the child couples are too fast pheeew:)