Wednesday, October 7, 2009

rAnDom tHougHtS !!!

----After stepping inside the classroom, I loose it all...the brains..the motivation...the knowledge...the confidence n evrythng else i can think of. After all the embarrassment as i step out of the classroom and start for home i begin regaining all of what i had lost and till i reach home after twenty odd minutes after walking past the Burnet Woods..the beautiful lake etc. , i have it all back with me once again...every bit of it. The gud part is that it keeps me ticking for the rest of my day and the night. The sad part is that when the next morning i go n step inside the classroom, the process starts all over is then i realise......LiFe iS nOt sO easY!!!!

-----Every individual can visualise some sort of vague...incomplete..or a part of the picture of his life; the life he has lived/living/will be living.....This imaginary picture is quite unidentifiable. We all keep trying to figure out how it exacly looks like and feel frustrated at times for not being able to see the whole of it. I believe for every such part of a picture, there exist the other complementary part of it which is in absolute conformance with it without any discontinuities. Sometimes we think we have it in front of us and try to go for it to match with our own incomplete picture but soon we realise the mirage of it. When any individual who is lucky enough sees the real and true complementary part of the picture, it is then he holds the two n as he joins dem together, a string in his heart is pulled...he closes his eyes and instead of js thinking, starts feeling the winds around...the rains...the silence...and the freshness n the fragrance of the whole nature and then instead of mouth, his heart speaks out.....
yEs tHiS is tHe piCtUrE!!!! tHiS is mY lIfE................